
Resources For:

& Youth

Social Emotional Learning

Course Description

Second Steps® SEL promotes school success, school connectedness, and safe and respectful school climate. By teaching students the skills that strengthen their ability to learn, have empathy, manage emotions and solve problems, the program prevents problem behaviors, anti-social behavior, impulsivity, peer rejection and low academic achievement. The students develop self-regulation skills, social emotional competencies and school connectedness.

Course Information:

Course Title:

Social Emotional Learning, Second Steps® SEL

  • Intended Audience:

    Grades K-8

  • Developer:

    Second Steps®

  • Program Format:

    22 units include a getting started, teaching the lesson and following through. Each lesson last 25 minutes with a short 5-minute wrap up at the end.

  • Associated Costs:

    Cost for Materials

  • Gender Inclusive:


  • Additional Resources:

    Second Steps has a large collection of resources available on their website.

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